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Join Diane for conversations that explore Time’s countless facets…

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I got paid to outwit time!

Once I get thinking about and playing with time, the rabbit holes appear like magic, and I go down most all of them… perhaps because my middle name has a lot in common with Alice in Wonderland.

I got super involved with time professionally at age 22 when I jumped on a dare thinking I’d go to work in traditional publishing, but landed in direct marketing the very next day.

From the get-go, I had a knack for project wrangling and quickly found myself juggling time in micro and macro clumps to manage many-at-once huge campaigns in a crazy quilt of client industries, all with impossible due dates.

No one back then thought that multi-tasking was bad. I was a very successful task juggler, even training and managing others, and am still in on the move in the marketing communications profession. I’ve worn as many hats as I could find, advancing over the decades in design, writing, branding and messaging strategies, speaking, performing, broadcasting, tour leading and teaching in media and the arts— and yes, always leaping out in front of moving Time.

The artist, writer, and performer in me was shocked yet fascinated by my unplanned career path. But wow— did I learn gobs— and still do, about Time. Since I had a goal at age 5 to live to a Hundred, I just keep discovering

Eventually, I left Boston for Los Angeles. I’m still here in LA many decades later, an early adopter with a virtual business. I satisfy my fascination with the history and habits of humanity, and deep love for the arts, as an Art Docent at a world class museum in my— yes— discretionary time.

Now is the perfect season to open up my own Time Treasury and invite you to enjoy it with me as you build your own adventures with Time in new and satisfying ways.

Stay tuned as our unique online course about TIME which is called Time Magnetism is about to unfurl this month and make its debut!

I’ll keep you posted with details super soon!